Friday, November 2, 2012

Big Box

I finally get a large box from Stone and the stupid cat doesn't want to play with it She was curious at first...

But like cats do she quickly lost interest and found something else to do. So what was inside?

Brinkman.....Not sure if I care for his dapples....they seem kind of harsh in person but in pictures they seem soft. This mold is very nice tacked up though! The bridle that fits Roxy so well also fits the Foundation Quarter Horse.

My Fall Fiesta Morgan was also in the large box. Very happy to have him sitting with my fall decorations :)

Handsome, yes?
In keeping with the fall theme here is a picture of my boyfriend and me for halloween

I have eight days left until the Novi Equestrian Expo so most of any sort of horse time will be cleaning and touch ups. Surrounding all of that will be homework and major projects for the semester. I might not have time for blogging!


  1. Golly that QH is gorgeous! The tack is awesome too! But...the sturips?

  2. The saddle is still being worked on, I currently have some metal ones on but I may consider putting leather ones on with some bling.
