Saturday, February 9, 2013

Busy, Busy

I may not have been busy on my blog but I've sure been busy in the studio. I am almost done with the mounted police set and have a beautiful mare to show it on.

I really can't wait to show this set in April. Our loot from the Stone Bucks sale arrived today and we did very nice!



Jake's OOAK Plantz

Jake's Leon
I sent out Calamity Jane to be painted by the talented Sue Kern. She will come back the most delightful grulla overo!!


  1. I am truly in LOVE with that Palouse!! Stunning! The other ponys are too. ;)

  2. She is a run of 5 called Petosky. I fell in love with her right away with a name like that. We have a city named Petosky here in Michigan so her show name will be Miss Michigan. This is the only Palouse I have and I really wish Stone would bring the mold back, they are so pretty!
