My Collection: Resins

Sheryl Leisure's Walter in Bay
Show name: Sir Walter 
Sheryl Leisure's Walter in Chestnut Paint
Show name: Brooks
*this is Jake's horse*

Kitty Cantrell's Kittydidit by Corinne Senko
Show name: Chaotic Brandy

Sarah Rose's Affinity by Karen Zorn as a portrait of Rags to Riches
Show name: Lady in Rags

Carol Williams' Valor by Karen Zorn as a portrait of Seattle Slew
Show name: The Slew

Carol Williams' Valor by Lisa Bickford as a portrait of Affirmed
Show name: Affirmative

Sarah Isherwood's Calamity Jane

Sarah' Rose's Reiner 
Carol Williams' Valor

Sarah Rose's Affinity

Sarah Rose's Tiny
*this is Jake's horse*

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