Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dolls Stands and Barrel Saddle

So after work today instead of thinning leather like I had wanted to (one loses motivation the moment you sit on the couch) I made doll stands. I followed a short How-to (thanks Jennifer!) and made two stands. Granted the wire is blue but that's all I had! I think they look pretty great and work well.

Pretty good right? You don't really notice it! Below is something I've been working on for the couple of days. I've really wanted to use my Kittydidit resin in performance and since I don't have an English saddle I've got to stick to what I know. I designed a barrel saddle to use in some speed games. It isn't totally done but I'm pretty happy with the results.

I've got some tweaking to do but plenty of time to do it as my next show isn't until September (hopefully!). I've got some poles and some barrels I've made to go with the set and I need a barrel racing doll that matches. 


  1. I love the saddle and bridle set!! It'll be a winner for sure!

  2. Those are gorgeous, I love the name - Kittydidit.
    I see that the buckles on the side of the bridle kind of sticks out, you could try bending the buckles into a very slight U shape to try and straiten out the leather.
