Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happiness is A Stone Box

My ArtPrize pt 2 blog will have to wait another day. I had new arrivals!

Don't they make the most wonderful pair? Unfortunately the foal, Manea will have to go back to have her tail repaired, it is missing black paint. I can also show that I wasn't too lax in the tack making dept from a few days ago. I created my first blue halter!

Pretty cool right? At first the dye wasn't taking to the leather like other dyes have but I just kept at it! This looks great on both black horses. I can't wait to experiment with other colored dyes now. I'm making a list of things I need from Rio Rondo for the winter when I have no thinks I need to make a saddle for this handsome devil.


  1. Their beautiful! Where did you get the blue leather?!?

  2. I hand dyed it myself, it started off as natural lace. I've thought about being silly and making an entire blue saddle.
